onsdag 22. september 2010

How much can an elephant drink?

Have you ever wondered how much an elephant can drink per day?? Did you know that they could easily swallow one hundred liters in just a couple of minutes, furthermore over two hundred liters a day?

Well, it is true. Since every living creature consists of a minimum of 50 % water, it is absolutely necessary to drink a lot of water each day to avoid dehydration. In addition to their enormous size and the loss of water trough urinating and defecation, elephants also live in extremely hot and dry circumstances, and therefore they lose great amounts of water through evaporating. Consequently, they have to drink a lot of water each day to keep their body cool and functioning.

... So know you know that too ;-)

tirsdag 21. september 2010

About the butterflles

My opinion about the analysis

I think the analysis is a very well written and good analysis. This because of its tidy structure and clean language. It also contains good reflections upon the story, and for those who did not understand it in the first place, it gives you a greater insight in what the story is about. I would also like to point out the analyzers way of finding minor details in the short story, which really does matter in the short story, without you really thinking so.

From this analysis, you can learn about the short story, and you can also learn about how a good analysis should be!

mandag 20. september 2010

English in my every-day llife

English is and will be a part of my ever-day life whether I like it or not. It is absolutely necessary if you I'm going to get a proper education or to understand and to be understood in the different societies all over the world. Luckily for me, I like the subject, and I have no problem with the situation in the world being the way it is.

The best series on television are English, and therefore, we learn a lot from watching, especially if you remove the subtitles. The same goes for movies. On the computer we have the internet, which uses English as a common language for people all over the world. I also think that often the best music is on English, and I rarely listen to Norwegian songs. And since all this i on  English, it's obvious that we need to learn it.

I also think it's a very nice and beautiful language, especially when I'm thinking of the many different accents, although some are more nice than others. And there is so many more ways to express yourself, much more words to choose from!

A little something about myself

My name is Ane and I'm a 16-year-ord girl living in Trondheim with my family. Like most people, I have a mom and a dad, and one older brother. I also have the absolutely cutest dog in the world, whose name is Nero. On my spare time I play handball on Strindheim IL, and football on Nardo. I love both games, and almost all of my time is spent on this area, though it sometimes is hard to make room for both at the same time. Friends and school are two other things I spend my time on, for example right now, when I'm writing this blog.

Except for this, I don't think there's much more to say, but If you are wondering about something, feel free to comment below.