tirsdag 7. juni 2011

The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time

The main character Christopher makes the novel very interesting, because he suffers from the disease Asberger’s syndrome, which is a mild form for autism. This affects the book in every possible way, because he is the author and because he sees things completely different than normal people do. Asberger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

By having Christopher as the author of the book, it makes us see how an autistic boy thinks and act, and how difficult for him it is to function in the society. He does not get humor and lies, and his thoughts are always plain and logical. This gives the readers a greater understanding of how a boy with this disorder sees the world, and it gives the book a new twist which makes it more interesting.

Not only do we get to see Christopher’s view of life, but also how his disorder affects the people around him. It is a huge challenge for his father, and demands him to be patient, calm, and also precise to create a safe atmosphere for Christopher.

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

Robert Pattinson

Exercise: choose a Brit you find interesting and write a couple of paragraphs about him/her.

Robert Thomas Pattinson is a British actor who was born the 13th of March in London, England. He grew up in the London suburb Barnes, where he still lives. He started his acting carrier through Barnes Theatre Club. Later he got a part in an amateur version of William Shakespears “Macbeth”, and he also tried out as a model.

He got his breakthrough as Cedric Diggory in the movie Harry Potter and the goblet of fire.

After he starred in this movie, he was appointed as the “British start of tomorrow.”

His carrier really took off when he started in the role as Edward Cullen in the Twilight saga. Many fans were skeptical to letting him fill the part as Edward Cullen, but after the first trailer was released, he was welcomed with open arms from former aggressive Twilight fans. The movie Twilight is the first in a series of 5 movies (4 books) and Robert along with the rest have already finished the three first. The last book (Breaking Dawn) was too long to make just one movie; therefore they divided it into half. The Twilight crew is currently shooting the first part of the last book.

Robert is also an artist, and has several songs that are used in the movies. The song “Never Think,” is one of these.

mandag 31. januar 2011


My initial reaction to the movie Crash is that it was a good movie and it really made an impression on me. I didn't know that there still was that much prejudice in America today. I knew that it still existed, but it seemed that most people and even reasonable people had their opinions about different races as well. And to me it was scary that that many people carried guns with them at all times, and how easy it is to get one.

The movie itself had a very smart structure. There were many parallel actions with different stories to tell, but in a good way every story was connected with each other. In that way you had to pay attention to understand the main story.

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

How to behave

How to behave when stationed in your mentor business
When you're stationed in a business, it is very important to behave good. Since your on a visit you have to be open to try new stuff, and focused on what you are there for. Don't be shy to ask the mentor about something you're wondering about. You are there to learn, and to find out as much you can about the business and the profession. But you have to be polite to the people working there. You also have to follow the rules.

How not to behave when stationed in your mentor business
When you're stationed in a business, it is very important not to be rude. When people ask you something or ask you to do something, you don't ignore them. And you don't break the law or the rules the business and the society has put up.